No memory timings shifting. Performance memory timings
Power Saving
Undervolted for better power consumption
Good Hashrate
ETH 29-31 MH/s, XMR 850-950H/s Samsung
ETH 29-31 MH/s, XMR 850-950 H/s Hynix
Cryptocurrency Payment
We accept various of cryptocurrency thanks to Shapeshift integration
Digital Copy
After payment you will be able to download your bios
Support and Refund
Problem with bios? Write to We will solve your issue. If not, your crypto will be refunded.
Make sure you are buying the exact same bios. Look at “Additional information” and compare it with your bios information. The fastest way how to do that is download SRB Polaris. In the gallery there is screenshot from SRB Polaris 3.2 of the bios. If you can’t find the exact same bios contact me via e-mail and send your bios, I will add it.
Hashrate a lot depends on memory quality, Google “Silicon lottery”, so I can’t guaranteed results. Better than stock and mem shifting for sure! I’m not responsible for brick cards and broken hearts.
Download latest ATIWinflash and run it as Administrator.
Pick your card and save the bios with (*.rom).
Download latest SRBPolaris and open the saved bios.
Compare "Type", "Memory types" and "Memory size" if they are same as on product page SRBPolaris screenshot (or additional tab). Last letters like R of G don't matters.
If you want to pay with another cryptocurrency select BTC and in next step use Shapeshift button
You will have then 30 minutes to send the payment amount from your wallet and after that max 4 hours to at least one confirmation otherwise it will be closed. If it happens, contact us.
If you send lower amount the system will send e-mail to you that you have to pay the rest in some amount of time, don't forget to count transaction fee if you send coins from exchange!
If you pay too much and you want the over payment back, contact us. We will send it back minus transaction fee.
Once you have some errors lower clocks a bit until there are no new errors. These clocks should be stable
After you find the best memory clocks you can set core clocks (overclock or underclock) then you can try lowering voltages. - find your GPU and the GPU memory errors line. Watch it for numbers. If there are any after few minutes your memory clock is too high. If you have few errors after hours it's no problem. But key is to have 0 errors. Memory errors can cause bad shares and may end up with BSOD
Some recommended clocks and voltages for RX cards - each card is different this is only for approx values!
Open PBE and go to your e-mail and open e-mail with completed order.
Find License key
Copy License Key and insert into PBE activation window (right click on the line)
Hit enter and insert your e-mail used in order
Hit enter and wait for activation.
If activation was successful it will open PBE.
On next start of PBE on the same machine you don't need to input anything, it will check license and open PBE, do not delete license.txt file or you will have to input your license again.
If you activate PBE on another machine you will have to input license again.
You can use same license for up to 3 machines.
When you try to activate your 4th license it will not allow you. If you want to delete your running activation contact me via e-mail I will reset your license for again 3 new activations.
Go to Lost License and insert your e-mail, system will then send your license.
All of these bios have undervolted core and memory (VDDCI), but only a bit for stability with all cards, most of them also have memory OC. All bios use performance timings or Pro performance timings. You can find most of the performance timings in my Bitcointalk guide, those Pro performance timings have higher hashrate and they are not listed in my guide. You can get them only if you have my Premium pack, Pro peformance timings bios or in PBE 2.0.
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